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June 30, 2013
Anti-Morsi Protests in Egypt are... Massive
Watch the video below.
@pspoole, who's liveblogging the demonstrations at PJM.
4:37p Tom Blumer at Newsbusters notes that the US establishment media is ignoring for the most part the anti-Obama, anti-American sentiment of the Tamarod protests.
3:09p NBC is reporting that “tens of thousands” are out protesting against Morsi. Are they delusional or just outright lying?
2:58p Media reports are coming in with estimates of the crowd sizes across Egypt. Al-Masry Al-Youm cites experts that more than 17 million are in the streets today.
If they were looking to make a big appeal to the military to side with the majority, I think they accomplished that.
If they were hoping to get Obama's Palace Guards at NBC to notice a huge revolt against Obama's pro-Muslim Brotherhood foreign policy, then of course they failed.