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June 27, 2013
Star Witness Jenteal in Response to Defense Attorney's Question: "That's Real Retarded, Sir."
I like the "sir" at the end. It shows respect and class.
Oh, and when (she says) Trayvon called George Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker," he was just being "descriptive," and not racially insulting. In fact, "cracker" isn't racially insulting at all, she announces.
And speaking of retarded, cretinous low-watt Spinner of Last Resort Tommy Christopher is more than willing to jump on that particular Stupid Grenade and announce that Yes, White Southerners love being called "cracker" by outsiders. It's a source of pride, you see, to be demeaned as a "cracker."
Seems to me that if Jenteal is telling the truth about this (and who knows about that) then there was one person out that night who was racially profiling and immediately jumping to racial conclusions.