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June 24, 2013
Immigration Day In The Senate
Today the Senate will pass amnesty. This will be the most important piece of Senate legislation made possible by the Tea Party election of 2010 (think Hoeven and Rubio). Oops.
Speaking of Marco Rubio.
Maybe lying, amnesty and shilling for Obama aren't so popular after all.
Speaking of John Hoeven...can we stop calling this Hoeven-Corker thing "Hoeven-Corker" please? Do you really think these two back benchers came out of nowhere and with their staffs rewrote an entire bill that was months in the making that just happened to be the only"Republican" plan acceptable to Reid, Schumer and Obama?
Hoeven and Corker are just shilling for Obama.
Meanwhile Mickey Kaus hits it out of the park over the remark Rubio's aide and that by his lack of discipline for the aide Rubio seems to agree with that not all American workers can cut it.
“There are American workers who, for lack of a better term, can’t cut it. There shouldn’t be a presumption that every American worker is a star performer. There are people who just can’t get it, can’t do it, don’t want to do it. And so you can’t obviously discuss that publicly because …”
It was offensive, in the first place, because it seemed to assume that the 11.8 million American unemployed were unemployed mainly because they were bad workers. Mightn’t a big recession or bad luck disrupt the meritocratic perfection of the labor market–so lots of good workers find themself unemployed, at least temporarily?
More important, even if you assume, thanks to the perfect efficiency of the market, that all those Americans who are unemployed are worse workers than those who are employed, and all those who would be displaced by immigrant labor are worse laborers than the immigrants who displaced them, why would that lead you to give up on the unemployed Americans, and say, in effect, ‘Screw ‘em’?
Read the whole thing.
The best line from the piece isn't actually about immigration. Kaus' column is set up opposed to a post on the subject from Ezra Klein's Wonkbook .
With the traditional Wonkblog tone of someone explaining to sixth graders a concept he just learned 25 minutes ago...
That Kaus column touches on something I wrote about a few weeks ago. As action moves to the House opponents of the amnesty really need to broaden the argument out from just security to the wider issues at play. Economically this a terrible idea for America and it's morally indefensible.
Security is fine and important but it doesn't solve the wider problems are dealing with lower class Americans and those who want to move to this country legally. Democrats and pro-amnesty types like Rubio want to make the illegals the victims of this country, we should be demonstrating that there are people who didn't break the law that will be hurt by putting illegal immigrants first.

posted by DrewM. at
10:26 AM
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