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June 18, 2013
"Standing Man" Protest in Taksim Inspires Hundreds of Others to Join the Vigil
In Istanbul, and around all of Turkey.
As far as protests go, this one is... eerie.

A press report on the protests.
Turkish man inspires hundreds with silent vigil in Taksim Square
Erdem Gunduz dubbed 'standing man' stages eight-hour vigil and is joined by 300 people during silent protest
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Reuters in Istanbul
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 18 June 2013 03.30 EDT
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Erdem Gunduz in Taksim Square
Erdem Gunduz stands in Taksim Square during a 'duranadam', or standing man protest, in Istanbul. Photograph: Vassil Donev/EPA
A Turkish man has staged an eight-hour silent vigil in Istanbul's Taksim Square, the scene of violent clashes between police and anti-government protesters in recent weeks, inspiring hundreds of others to follow his lead.
Erdem Gunduz said he wanted to take a stand against police stopping demonstrations near the square, the Dogan news agency reported.
He stood silently, facing the Ataturk Cultural Centre which was draped in Turkish flags and a portrait of Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, from 6pm on Monday.
By 2am on Tuesday, when the police moved in, about 300 people had joined him. Ten people, who refused to be moved on by police, were detained.