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Tuesday Morning News Dump »
June 18, 2013
Top Headline Comments 6-18-13
Happy Tuesday.
"It is not clear if Snowden is referring here to the Gang of 8 tackling immigration reform, or some other Gang of 8." Heh. That Q&A was something else.
Meanwhile, Snowden's father urges him to come back to the U.S., not to commit treason.
Both Pew and Gallup find broad majorities opposed to Obama's proposal to arm the Syrian rebels.
While we're thinking about polls, Gallup surveyed public opinion on five potential 2016 GOP candidates. Among GOP voters, Rep. Paul Ryan led among net favorability with 57%. Then it was Sen. Marco Rubio -- 47%, Sen. Rand Paul -- 43%, Sen. Ted Cruz -- 32%, Gov. Chris Christie -- 28%. Among adults (IOW, without the party filter), Christie's net favorable was 32%, followed by Rubio -- 15%, Ryan -- 8%, Cruz -- 6%, and Paul -- 5%.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:43 AM
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