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June 17, 2013
Obama Gurl: Holly Paz, Who Donated $4000 to Obama in 2008, Personally Supervised Tea Party Scrutiny
Remember, this is the woman who now claims she thought "Tea Party" could mean "liberal."
$4000 is a lot of money for someone who works for wages and isn't just sitting on a huge pile of wealth.
A Washington-based IRS supervisor acknowledged she was personally involved in reviewing Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status as far back as 2010, Fox News confirms — a detail that further challenges the agency’s initial claim that the practice of singling out those groups was limited to a handful of employees in Ohio.
Congressional sources confirmed to Fox News that Holly Paz, who until recently was a top deputy in the division that handles applications for tax-exempt status, told congressional investigators she reviewed 20 to 30 applications. Some requests languished for more than a year without action.
The account undercuts the narrative that senior officials only learned of the practice after it had already started in the Cincinnati office.
$4000 in 2008.
Holly Paz, a supervisor in the IRS's Washington, DC office that issued rulings on tax-exempt groups, made a $2,000 contribution directly to the Obama for America war chest, and another $2,000 to the separate Obama Victory Fund, both in 2008, according to Federal Election Commission documents.
She has also been named as the attorney who monitored interviews conducted with IRS employees by Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George, as he investigated what would explode in May 2013 as a major crisis for the White House.
And how are the networks reporting this? Simple, they're not.