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June 10, 2013
Rubio To Univision: Amnesty Isn't Conditional On Border Security. Also: Kelly Ayotte: Remember When I Opposed Amnesty As A Candidate? Yeah, About That....
Having already flipped or lied (depending on how charitable you are) about his definition of "amnesty", Marco Rubio is now talking out of both sides of his mouth about whether or not border security is a priority of his reform bill.
To conservatives he says legalization of any kind is contingent upon the fraud of a border security "plan".
Linking Temporary Status To Security Triggers: No undocumented immigrant is eligible to apply for temporary status until the border security and fencing plan is in place. After being in the temporary status for at least ten years, no currently undocumented immigrant can even attain permanent residence, much less citizenship, unless the border security, employment verification and exit system triggers have been achieved.
To Hispanics he says something very different.
In his own appearance on the Spanish-language Univision network, Mr. Rubio tried to assuage some Hispanics who fear that their legal status will be held hostage to border security. Mr. Rubio said illegal immigrants will get quick legal status and work permits regardless of whether the borders are secure — but won’t be given a full pathway to citizenship until more enforcement is imposed.
“Nobody is talking here about preventing legalization. Legalization will take place,” Mr. Rubio told Univision in an interview scheduled to air Sunday.
“First comes legalization, then comes this border security measure and then comes the permanent residency process. What we are talking about here is the permanent residency system,” Mr. Rubio said. “Regarding legalization, a vast majority of my colleagues have already accepted that: that it must take place and that it must start at the same time we start with what has to do with security. That is not conditional. Legalization is not conditional.”
Let's just be honest about this...Rubio is as dishonest as any politician out there.
Speaking of which...Kelly Ayotte is now on Team Amnesty.
This will come as news to people who supported Ayotte all the way back in way back in the dark ages of 2010.
As New Hampshire's former Attorney General, Kelly understands the urgent need to stop the dangerous flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Arizona's move to address this issue at the state level reflects a failure of leadership in Washington to solve this problem once and for all. With a wave of violent crimes in the state, Kelly believes Arizonans were fully justified in passing their law.
In the Senate, Kelly's top immigration priority will be to secure our borders -- no excuses. Simultaneously, she will work to ensure that existing immigration laws are enforced and is against amnesty. Kelly knows that Americans can solve any problem if they put their mind to it -- and she will bring that results-oriented approach to this critical issue.
Just another word about "amnesty" as a term. Aside from Rubio's definition in 2010, here's what he says now.
“This is not amnesty. Amnesty is the forgiveness of something. Amnesty is anything that says do it illegally, it will be cheaper and easier,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Ask yourself this, would the millions of people who are on the waiting list to come to this country legally gladly exchange their years long wait to come here for the chance to go through the amnesty system Rubio and the rest support? My guess is HELL YES. All they'd have to do is pony up $1,000 (which is less than it costs to go through the full legal process) and they are in.
By Rubio's own definitions, old and new, this is amnesty.
Immigration miscellany:
- The anti-amnesty strategy in the Senate is taking shape. Basically it's "make them live by their own words".
- A short guide to the fraud that is the Schumber-Rubio plan.
(I accidentally stepped on John's post, so I pulled this down and am reposting it)
posted by DrewM. at
10:55 AM
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