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Prism: Background Info [ArthurK] »
June 07, 2013
Evening Open Thread
Some good links to munch on:
Some cool scenes from the Turkish uprising.
Rush: This is a non-military coup d'etat.
Tech Companies claim they didn't participate in PRISM, but note all the loophole language they do to say so. Why clutter a hull with so many escape hostaes, unless those hostaes might be used? In addition, there is some question about whether that WaPo PRISM story was fully legit.
Ted Cruz: Given this Administration's history, how can they ask for trust?
Hollywood PI says he recorded audio of JFK having sex with Marilyn Monroe, and also a big fight between RFK, JFK, and Marilyn, in which she objected to being "passed around" by JFK and offered as sexual favors to his friends.
Porn stars... before their makeup. Though "stars" might be overstating the celebrity of most of these ladies.