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May 19, 2013
Sunday Morning Book Thread 05-19-2013: Jedi Mind Tricks [OregonMuse]
This cartoon is clearly dated. There's room in that landspeeder for at least 2 or 3 more droids for the storm troopers to ignore.
Good morning morons and moronettes and welcome to the the award-winning AoSHQ's Sunday Morning Book Thread.
The AoSHQ Amazon Store - Part Dieueueaueaoiux
OK, so I pulled out a few books by moron authors that I've pimped mentioned on earlier threads and converted the Amazon links to AoSHQ format.
Let's start out with some books by the always perky and vivacious Sabrina Chase. First, her new one:
The Scent of Metal
And this one:
The Last Mage Guardian
And her Sequoyah series:
The Long Way Home
Raven's Children
Queen of Chaos
I hope I got the order right.
Next up, the 'Zombie Books of Survival' of George Milonas:
My Last Testament
Off The Grid
Here is Pat Chiles' sci-fi novel Perigee
Steve Poling's anthology of time travel stories Finding Time wherein everybody isn't doomed and the future doesn't suck.
I don't think this one is by a moron author, but it was recommended a bunch of times on earlier threads: They Tell Me I'm The Bad Guy by R.D. Harless. The main character is "funny, vulgar, lazy and a blackout alcoholic." In other words, he's a Moron.
Moron author Ray Fiore's military sci-fi adventure Riley's Rogues. He also wrote the WWII novel Wings Over the Pacific.
Moron commenter John the Baptist wrote the moron-friendly Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Georgia History, which I discovered is just one of a series commemorating dead jerks in various parts of the country. Others in the series include Montana, Colorado, and Chicago.
Finally, Frank Fleming, who runs the hilarious IMAO blog, is kind of a moron himself. Well, be's more of a smartass, but that works, too. He's also the guy who wrote How to Fix Everything in America Forever: The Plan to Keep America Awesome. Fleming's legendary self-control and restraint are also on display in his other book Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything. I got it for free, but you schlubs will have to pay $1.99 for it. Note: this book is satire. It is not an anthology of quotes from MSNBC news programs.
Girl Power
Commenter Mitch e-mailed to recommend the Vanessa Michael Munroe novels by Taylor Stevens. Female action writers are sort of rare, kind of like female heavy metal guitarists, aren't they?
But get a load of this author's bio from Amazon:
Born in New York State, and into the Children of God, an apocalyptic religious cult spun from the Jesus Movement of the '60s, Stevens was raised in communes across the globe. Separated from her family at age twelve and denied an education beyond sixth grade, she lived on three continents and in a dozen countries before reaching fourteen. In place of schooling, the majority of her adolescence was spent begging on city streets at the behest of cult leaders, or as a worker bee child, caring for the many younger commune children, washing laundry and cooking meals for hundreds at a time. In her twenties, Stevens broke free in order to follow hope and a vague idea of what possibilities lay beyond. She now lives in Texas, and is at work on a fourth Munroe novel.
Wow. I can't imagine anyone being normal with that kind of a background. The emotional damage must be frightful. Anyway, The Informationist is the first book in the series that features a strong, female action hero. Ms. Stevens' bio makes it easy to believe she's been pushed around most of her life, and you have to wonder if writing these books is somehow therapeutic or cathartic for her.
Another Moronette Author
Longtime lurker/occasional commenter Anne Cleeland tells me in e-mail that she's lucky enough to have not one, but two (count 'em) two different print series coming out this summer.
One series is historical fiction set in the Regency period (Napoleonic spies) and the other is contemporary British detective.
Tainted Angel is going to come out in June and Murder in Thrall is set for release in August. Both can be pre-ordered now at Amazon
The author's web page is at http://annecleeland.com.
So that's all for this week. As always, book thread tips, suggestions, rumors, and insults may be sent to OregonMuse, Proprietor, AoSHQ Book Thread, at aoshqbookthread@gmail.com.
So what have you all been reading this week? Hopefully something good, because, as we all know, life is too short to read lousy books.
posted by Open Blogger at
10:59 AM
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