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May 08, 2013
Chuck Todd Laughs off Benghazi Scandal; Calls Administration's Reaction "Very Rational"
Note: There is a Benghazi Hearings Open Thread below. However, given that as much as I might like to, I can't take the day off, I will be posting other stories, and occasionally updating the Benghazi Hearings thread and bumping it to the top.
For the first time in his life, Chuck Todd is proud to be an American, and it's all due to Obama's "very rational" responses to Benghazi.
When you think about it, lying is a rational response too, when you've gravely erred.
CHUCK TODD: I think we sometimes forget what was going on at that time. We did have multiple embassies in the region, both in North Africa and in the Middle East, that were dealing with protests. Remember, they raised a black flag on the U.S. embassy in Tunisia during that same period. We had the issues that were going on in Cairo. So, you had, and in fact one of the reasons they didn’t send all six special ops, they say at the time, is that they didn’t want to have Tripoli unguarded at all. And don’t forget, that was the U.S. embassy. And considering what was happening to U.S. embassies in the region at the time, it’s actually very rational thought: all right, let’s dispatch two guys to the consul — to Benghazi for now.
SCARBOROUGH: There’s more coming. And there should be more coming. Because the fact is Hillary Clinton and the State Department did not heed the concerns of a U.S. ambassador who ended up dead. That does warrant investigation. Is this going to be bigger than Watergate and Iran-contra, ten times over?
TODD [laughs]: It doesn’t look that way.
Video at the link. Doug Powers, writing at Michelle Malkin's site, also notes that Chuck Todd confesses that within three or four days, everyone in the world knew this was terrorism (make that three to four hours, Chuck); and yet Chuck still has no problem with Susan Rice claiming this was a spontaneous demonstration based on a YouTube video five days after the attack.