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Overnight Open Thread (3 May 2013) »
May 03, 2013
Rubio: I Will Now Fight For the Border Enforcement Mechanisms That I'd Previously Had Been Swearing Were In The Bill All Along
Pull the other one.
Will Democrats (or even the three other GOP members of the “Gang”) go along with rewriting the bill’s carefully constructed framework of deception, in which the border security ‘triggers,” as amnesty lobbyist Frank Sharry admitted, “are based on developing plans and spending money, not on reaching [the target level of] effectiveness, which is really quite clever”? Will they modify the “path to citizenship,” the core of the bill, as Rubio also suggests? I suspect not.
Emphasis in original. The bill is constructed to deceive the public and thus to be passed into law without ever actually securing the real consent of the governed required by the Constitution.