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May 03, 2013
Open Thread
They held their local off year elections in the UK and conservatives won big. Note that's small "c" conservatives, the UKIP, not the big "C" Conservative Party.
What issues drove voters to the only party that represented a choice and not an echo?
The pollsters asked Ukip voters to tick the reasons why they back the eurosceptic party. They said:
Want immigration reduced (76pc)
Want Britain to leave the EU (59pc)
Unhappy with the major parties (47pc)
Unhappy with David Cameron and his Government (25pc)
Ukip reflects my personal values and beliefs (20pc)
Positive impression of Nigel Farage (15pc)
"Sends a message" (14pc)
Unhappy over gay marriage (12pc)
New party deserves a chance (9pc)
Ukip would run the country well (8pc)

posted by DrewM. at
11:20 AM
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