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April 29, 2013
Undercover Video By Live Action Puts Into Question Just How Rare Gosnell-Type "Abortions" Really Are
There is the official policy and then there is the actual practice. The point of undercover sting videos is to discover the actual practice.
What do you do when a politically-inconvenient truth has been discovered? You gin up some fake outrage about it:
Apparently @saletan believes that "exploit" is a synonym for "expose." Hey, they both start with ex-. Close enough!
Having been involved in rhetoric for some time, I know this strategy well: When you have no good objection to an argument or a piece of information, and yet must respond to it, just yell whatever weak objection is at hand and begin throwing out accusations of bad faith and dirty dealing.
The Washington Post documents the exploitation:
An antiabortion group that mounted a six-month undercover investigation has released videos this week that raise questions about what might happen to a baby as a result of an unsuccessful abortion.
One video features a D.C. doctor, Cesare Santangelo, who said that in the unlikely event that an abortion resulted in a live birth, “we would not help it.” Santangelo was answering repeated questions from an undercover operative about what would happen, hypothetically, if she gave birth after an unsuccessful abortion.
“I mean, technically, you know, legally, we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive, but . . . it probably wouldn’t,” Santangelo is shown telling the woman, who was 24 weeks pregnant. “It’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.”
He said he was “tripped up” by a hypothetical at a moment when he was trying to reassure a client. “Once the baby is born, it’s out of everybody’s hands, and the baby has rights, too,” he said. “I understand that and I support that.”
He wants you to know that he's the victim here.
He said he has not watched the video because “I don’t like to feed into these people. I really consider them terrorists.”