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April 27, 2013
The Celebritization of The Media (Niedermeyer's Dead Horse)
This topic deserves someone such as Ace to do it justice, but I do think it worthy of discussion.
Tom Brokaw says "No thanks" to White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) and in the process blames Lindsay Lohan for the decline of, what, the dignity of the event. (?)
Today's journalists are not content to report the story, they want to be part of it. By inviting celebrities to attend the WHCD they get to up the ante and live vicariously through the celebrity of their guests which, this year, includes Nicole Kidman and Ashley "Puffy Face" Judd.
Other journalists argue that Brokaw has it wrong. "It's a fun event" they say. New Yorker editor David Remnick defends "Look at what we publish." he adds "Does it seem like it corrupts us?" (Serious, you guys)
Brokaw asks, "What kind of image do we present to the rest of the country?"
Well, I for one wonder...
Isn't it a little late to be asking that question?
What do you think?
(Open thread)

posted by Open Blogger at
06:36 PM
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