« How About A Little More Likely Misreportage? CBS News Says Authorities May Have the Names of the Suspects |
Man Survives Marathon Bombs on Trip to Boston, Returns Home to... West, Texas »
April 18, 2013
Evening Headlines While I Watch A Repeat of the Big Bang Theory Because Shut Up That's Why
Senator Wicker Hired Suspected Ricin Mailer as Elvis Impersonator for Party.
Solid picture of Suspect Number Two (???) Pop it up to maximum size and look at the far left, near the brick buidling's corner, in the white hat.
NPR: It's likely that bombs planted by rightwingers, because we all celebrate Hitler's birthday and such.
New York Times rescinds previous decision, decides not to send a reporter to cover Gosnell afterall. They'll cover "highlights" they get from other leftwing media.
More video of the Texas fertilizer explosion.
Chris Matthews offers you his extensive knowledge on Youth Casual Fashion.
Rocker Jon Odrasik putting on benefit concert for West, Texas.