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April 05, 2013
Federal Judge I Know More Than Anyone Else About Everything So Girls 16 And Under Can Have "The Morning After Pill" Without A Prescription Or Parental Permission.
Dear lawyers....3 years of "law school" does not make you a priestly class fit to rule over a free people.
A federal judge has ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lift age and other restrictions on the sale of the morning-after pill, making the drug available to women of all ages over the counter.
The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman reverses a 2011 decision by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius not to allow the sale of emergency contraception without a prescription for women 16 and under.
Let me just stop here. You know what "women 16 and under" are? Girls. Young, inexperienced, non-consenting children. They can't go on school field trips without permission slips or in many places take an aspirin at school without parental approval. They do not have the same rights or responsibilities as adults.
Back to the judge...
Korman blasted Sebelius's order as "obviously political" and designed to avoid a fight with religious groups ahead of the 2012 presidential election.
"Even with eyes shut to the motivation for the Secretary's decision, the reasons she provided are so unpersuasive as to call into question her good faith," Korman wrote.
"She has failed to offer a coherent justification for denying the over-the-counter sale of levonorgestrel-based emergency contraceptives to the overwhelming majority of women of all ages who may have need for those drugs."
Politics entering a decision? Oh heaven's no, we mustn't have that. Why letting free people hash out issues and arrive at public policy through the consent of the governed? No, no. Why the rubes might arrive at the wrong decision. Our judicial parents simply can't allow us wayward children to make those kinds of choices. Well, actual children can make life and death decisions but not adult citizens. Or something.
At some point we need to either get control of the federal judiciary or just admit the actions of the political branches are nothing more than the first drafts of policy that judges can rewrite as much as they want.
Added: I focused on the judicial overreach here but alexthechick (a lawyer but hate the sin, not the sinner type thing) gets to the real danger here.
I know everyone is sick of my rant on this but ignoring all the parental rights problems and the morality problems and the whole underage girls extraordinarily likely to have been at least statutorily raped problems, there's the health problems.
Yes, this is overly simplified but Plan B and its ilk work by dumping a massive amount of hormones into a woman's system. Except. Except these aren't women. These are girls. These are human beings with immature hormonal systems and it is not the best idea in the world to shock their systems like this. Not to mention that there are matters about proper dosage amounts and how to take it and what to do when it results in a miscarriage as opposed to a failure to implant. As someone with an utterly boned endocrine system, you don't want to mess up someone's development in the early teen years. You really and truly don't.
Then there's this. Jesus fuck make up your minds judiciary. Either human beings are not fully mature adults until after age 25 as has been held in some death penalty cases or human beings are fully capable of making decisions about significant medical issues all on their own when they are 12. Pick. One. You. Fucking. Fucktards.
I'm sure her briefs don't use that language but her point stands...some kids, er "women" are going to get very sick or worse from the effects of this decision. But hey...they shall be the honored dead. Eggs, omelets, etc in the cause of liberalism.
posted by DrewM. at
10:50 AM
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