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March 30, 2013
Because It Wasn't Already Contentious Enough ... WaPo Op-Ed Injects Race Into the Gun Debate
This "blame whitey" piece is unintentionally (I think) hilarious.
Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year. Articles and interviews would flood the media, and we’d have political debates demanding that African Americans be “held accountable.” Then, if an atrocity such as the Newtown, Conn., shootings took place and African American male leaders held a news conference to offer solutions, their credibility would be questionable. The public would tell these leaders that they need to focus on problems in their own culture and communities.
But when the criminals and leaders are white men, race and gender become the elephant in the room.
That first paragraph is very nearly self-refuting. A couple of Newtowns worth of people, almost exclusively African American people, die on the streets of gun control-loving Chicago every month, yet the media flood the authors suggest would happen simply hasn't. I wonder why that is ... ?
But if they want to go there, then, by all means, let's go there.
Looks to me like (a) the black homicide rate dwarfs the white homicide rate and (b) the gap is greatest where gun control is most strict.
This should come as no surprise, since gun control first got a toehold in this country by being directed at minorities (Native Americans, freed slaves, immigrants).
In addition to being unconstitutional and impractical, gun control also has a disparate impact on minorities. Next time you hear some lefty going on about it, ask him why he's such a racist.