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March 22, 2013
Why Don't You Mean Republicans Care About The Truly Needy In America....Congressional Staffers
We take a break from Ace-A-Thon 2013 (see the PayPal button over to the left) to focus on the true victims of the Obamaquester....highly paid congressional aides.
Picture Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as the Sally Struthers of this charity movement.
The cuts have also affected the quality of life for congressional aides, said Wasserman Schultz, whose defense of Capitol Hill staffers amid budget cuts has won her unofficial den mother status among many. At the hearing, for example, she said prices of meals in House restaurants are getting so high that aides are being "priced out" of a good meal.
And, she added, the cuts demanded by House leaders over the past three years have lessened the attractiveness of Hill jobs. "The more we rob Peter to pay Paul," she said, "the tougher it is for us to compete not only with the private sector but with other federal agencies."
Listen you heartless bastards, you're just going to have to give up that occasional dinner out with the kids so Debbie's Kids can get a good meal in DC.
Oh and the next time your ungrateful little brats don't finish what's on their plates, remind them there are staffers in DC who can't afford The Palm. That'll teach them to take things for granted.
posted by DrewM. at
11:25 AM
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