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March 21, 2013
New York's New "Intelligent", "Reasonable" and "Common Sense" Gun Law Now Unworkable
The Cuomo smugness, from January:
"Common sense can win," Cuomo said. "You can overpower the extremists with intelligence and with reason and with common sense."
Cuomo yesterday:
“There is no such thing as a seven-bullet magazine. That doesn’t exist. So you really have no practical option,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted yesterday at a news conference, explaining why his tough ban on ammunition magazines over seven rounds should be repealed.
It's almost as if making the act of loading the eighth round into a ten round magazine a felony is pointless, absurd and arbitrary. If only people had told him that before he rushed through this knee-jerk bill designed to get back-pats in the liberal media. Anyone telling him that was probably an extremist, though.
Oh, well. Live and learn. But probably not learn.
Update: Also, *ahem*.
Update 2: I probably should have mentioned this is the same bill that was rushed through in the middle of the night and forgot to exempt police officers. So overall, just a stellar example of responsible lawmaking.

posted by JohnE. at
01:32 PM
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