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March 18, 2013
DOOM: Now half-price with coupon

Last week no DOOM at all, this week a puny pared-down DOOM hardly worth the name. It's not due to any lack of grim news, I assure you. Next week I shall endeavor to load the DOOM ship to the gunwales before it sets sail.
They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please, as Instapundit often says. But slavery of this kind is not imposed upon a reluctant and conquered people -- it is offered with a smile, and accepted by the grateful recipients with a glad heart. And that's the terrible tragedy of this kind of slavery -- we have not only asked for the chains that bind us, but we forged many of the links ourselves.
Walter Russel Mead has written often about how the the death of the so-called "blue social model" is not a war of white against black or rich against poor, but of the young against the old. This is even more true in Europe than it is here. Europe is in the process of eating its own seed-corn. America is not quite as far down the path as our cousins over on the Continent, but we're getting there -- and our war between young and old may be even more bitter than the one in Europe.
The death of the Westphalian nation-state model may be in progress right now -- bankrupt nation-states are increasingly turning to old-fashioned thievery to pay the bills (though they lay a thin gloss of the law on it and call it "taxation" or "confiscation"). (Like I said: old-fashioned thievery.)
It's not so much that austerity was tried and found too difficult. It's that it was found too difficult and not tried.
If, as I do, you assume that we must tear down before we can rebuild, ObamaCare may be the best gift Democrats have ever given the nation. It's doing a bang-up job of ruining the medical industry already, and it's not even fully implemented yet.

(Original image found at this link.)