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Top Headline Comments 3-15-13 »
March 14, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (3-14-2013)
Due to flight cancellations and a confluence of events tonight's ONT will be minimal lean and mean. So everyone play nicely while I head out to retrieve Mrs. Maetenloch.
In California Even Holes Are Protected
Kafka + the famous CS Lewis quote = the California Coastal Commission.
Who Are These People?
There's about 8-10% of NRA members who seem very confused about what gun rights mean or just weren't paying attention. Can there be that many Michael Moores?
- 92% of NRA members oppose gun confiscation via mandatory buy-back laws.
- 91% of NRA members support laws keeping firearms away from the mentally ill.
- 89% oppose banning semi-automatic firearms, often mistakenly called "assault rifles".
- 93% oppose a law requiring gun owners to register with the federal government.
- 92% oppose a new federal law banning the sale of firearms between private citizens.
How Not To Broaden the Base and Attract Voters
It's one thing to oppose gay marriage and whatever homosexual activists are pushing and then there's just plain old gay hate. And Cliff Kincaid of AIM sure seems to have a lot of energy when it comes to hating the gheys and wanting to root them out of the conservative movement.
Reason #83 why Republicans have a branding problem among the non-elderly.
Did Airline Deregulation Work?

Does Obama Have a Food taster?
Apparently so. And in fact most presidents have them.
No Unauthorized Photos of Joey B Allowed

So Why Doesn't the US Navy Have Its Own Fleet of Attack Dolphins?
The Last Angel of Bataan
Can Cats See Optical Illusions?
Scandalous Scandis: Church Gave Swedish Teens a 'Sex Diploma'
So is there a learners permit for your 'license to shag'?
Yahoo group. That is all.
And my Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by a true story:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips plus $1 for S&H to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your scraps to BizarroAce.

posted by Maetenloch at
09:06 PM
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