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Thursday Morning Link Dump »
March 14, 2013
Top Headline Comments 3-14-13
Happy Thursday.
Big news in the Aaron Swartz case. The defense says that one of the prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence.
Updates from the smartphone wars: reports of BlackBerry's demise appear to have been premature, Samsung is still riding high on the Galaxy line, and Apple is chugging along. My Galaxy S II is great, but I'm liking the rumors I'm hearing about next month's Galaxy S IV.
WaPo takes a swing at the White House for "bureaucratic hostage-taking" with its sequester hysteria.
I will be at CPAC today and for the next few days. Look for instant commentary at my twitter feed and I'll probably have some longer pieces for the main page here. CPAC's schedule and list of speakers looks about how you would expect. The HQ was nominated for Blog of the Year; the other nominees are Campaign Spot, Twitchy, The Other McCain, Legal Insurrection, and Hot Air, so we're in good company.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:52 AM
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