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March 05, 2013
Krugman Embarrasses Himself in Debate on Charlie Rose
Yesterday Krugman attempted to lower expectations about his performance in the informal debate, with Joe Scarborough, on the proposition We Need to Reduce our Spending on Entitlements. Krugman, like every other economist in the world, was on the Yea side of this until... Barack Obama needed him to be a Nay. So now he's a Nay.
Here's Krugman reducing expectations:
Well, we’ll see how it comes out after editing, but I feel that I just had my Denver debate moment: I was tired, cranky, and unready for the blizzard of misleading factoids and diversionary stuff (In 1997 you said that the aging population was a big problem! When Social Security was founded life expectancy was only 62!) Oh, and I wasn’t prepared for Joe Scarborough’s slipperiness about what he actually advocates (he’s for more spending in the near term? Who knew?)
Cranky and unready he was. Newsbusters has some clips. In the first, Krugman announces that citing Krugman From Five Years Ago (that entitlements must be reformed) is an ad hominem attack.
Ad hominem is of course a Latin phrase meaning "Something" (ad) "which destroys my argument and that's not fair you big bully" (hominem).
And then he began interrupting Scarborough with loud sighing and smug remarks (like "Wowwww") just like Al Gore did to Bush, and like Joe Biden did to Paul Ryan. Scarborough called him out for that, and Krugman, the soft-bellied weakling, took his medicine like an obedient child.

"I think I'm going to kill myself."
Gag by Jane D'Oh.
More Video: At the Daily Caller.