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March 04, 2013
Want To See Me Get PWNd?
And I do mean PWNd.
Notle began by defending the Cartoon Salesman's "I Saw Your Boobs" song at the Oscars, where he shamed actresses by noting he'd seen them naked in movies.
I got very self-righteous in attacking Nolte for his inhumanity.
Nolte says Chillax, those actresses weren't really embarrassed. Their reactions were staged, performed, and pre-recorded as part of the bit.
I inform Notle, in so many words, that he's a 9/11 Truther for believing something so patently absurd.
Nolte says no, it sure looked staged.
Now I really get on my high horse and tell him he's crazy, of course it wasn't staged, and these Poor Actresses and stuff. I also think I sort of imply he might be a bully who picks on children.
Below, a picture of the actress Jennifer Lawrence being made-up before pre-recording her scripted reaction to the Boobs song.
Well alrightee then.
Now I know how erg -- who I think should be called "Derp" -- should have felt, but didn't, because he's such a Derp.