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March 02, 2013
In Case You Weren't Sure, Obama's Lying About the Sequester and Intends to Keep On Lying For Years to Come
Lying liars who lie. Usually people mean that sarcastically; I don't.
One thought about this: I think the media convinces itself to forgive Obama's lying about the details because they've convinced himself that he's right about the bigger picture-- that is, whether Obama created the sequester or not (he did, by the way), it's the Republicans who want to cut spending. So Obama may be lying about the mechanism of cutting spending, but it's all Republicans' fault, because they're the ones pushing the issue.
One problem with that thousandth lie the media is telling itself to excuse Obama: Obama is also on record as supposedly favoring spending cuts, too.
Remember? A "balanced approach" of $3 in cuts to $1 in tax hikes? Well, Obama got his $1 in tax hikes; so we're to have the $3 in cuts now, right?
But Obama won't specify his preferred cuts because he actually prefers no cuts.
So he got elected by running on a campaign lie.
Anyone in the media care about this, a president simply lying about every single one of his beliefs for political purposes, such that hardly a single one of his statements corresponds with any sort of recognizable reality?
The question is rhetorical. The answer is "No."