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February 20, 2013
Furloughs Could Increase Security Lines at Airports By An Hour
Up to three hours, in total, as apparently some lines currently take two hours. (??!!)
Customs furloughs will hit especially hard in international passenger areas where check-ins for those returning to or visiting the United States can experience two hour waits already. "Wait times getting back into the country projected at three or more hours," said a travel industry source. A Democratic review of sequester cuts added, "At the busiest airports, the increase in peak airport wait times would regularly reach three or more hours. These delays would dramatically impact air travel, potentially causing thousands of missed passenger connections daily, and negatively impact our economy."
I'm not sure if this is at all true-- or a bureaucracy attempting to create alarmism to protect their share of the Federal Tax Pie.
If we don't have the money to fund the NEA's newest rage, Security Theater, how about we cut back on some of the theatricality?
But those defense layoffs Obama said wouldn't happen? The layoffs he instructed employers to not warn about, as they were required to under the law? So that he wouldn't have 800,000 layoff letters going out before an election?
Yeah they're happening, just as everyone thought they would.
Obama wanted to cut these jobs-- he just didn't want people to know they were being cut before the election.
I'd like to see some prosecutions of all those who rolled under Obama and disobeyed the law because a man without the power to suspend the law told them to.
Let people know there are consequences for obeying illegal orders. As there are in the Army.