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February 20, 2013
Yes, They Do Want To Go Door-to-door Confiscating Weapons
Remember this guy?
I spoke to two of the sponsors. One, Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, a lawyer who typically is hyper-attuned to civil-liberties issues, said he did not know the bill authorized police searches because he had not read it closely before signing on.
“I made a mistake,” Kline said. “I frankly should have vetted this more closely.”
Well, lookie here. Progressives lie about their true goals. Who knew?
Except that it doesn’t appear to be a mistake at all.
Senator Kline was a sponsor of an assault weapons bill in the 2009-2010 session which contained the EXACT SAME PROVISION. From Bill 6396:
(5) In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing the assault weapon shall do all of the following:
(a) Safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection;
And that's not even the only previous bill he sponsored with nearly the exact same language!
Follow the 'lookie here' link, both for the rest of Blackiswhite's post (short but packed with good stuff), and his awesome photo masthead, which is a hilarious photo he himself captured.
Kline absolutely knew that home searches were mentioned in there, there was no mistake or misunderstanding about that, because that has been his idea all along, for years!
The facility with which these mendacious weasels act all astonished of their own wrongdoing is truly noteworthy.
It goes without saying that you don't need to resort to this kind of theatrical dishonesty when you're doing something popular...or legal.
Thanks to Blackiswhite.
UPDATED with commenty goodness:
39 I just keep thinking that "oops" doesn't make me feel better. I'd rather have a politician who was honest about what he wanted.
"I'm too stupid to notice what I'm proposing" seems worse.
Accidental Fascism and Your Mouth, by Adam Kline.
Posted by: Mama AJ at February 20, 2013 10:37 AM (SUKHu)

posted by Laura. at
10:15 AM
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