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February 14, 2013
Hagel Cloture Vote Fails.... For Now
Confirmed: Fails by One Vote

Did Hagel's water addiction sink him?
via @billhobbs
Update: Fails by one. My previous 57-43 was in error.
Old News:Fox still has it underway.
I don't really understand how we know it's failed when people are still voting but then again I don't understand a lot of things, like Ashley Judd's visage bouffi.
"Failing cloture" would mean Hagel is blocked, as the vote cannot then proceed to an actual vote on the merits.
I'm gaining confidence in this report because McCain is talking all cocky and pointing out the Democrats filibustered John Tower in 1989.
McCain adds this is just a delay-- they want more information on Hagel, and want the time to receive it. He says he expects to vote for cloture after they get more information (and after they come back from break).
However, given the report that the GOP does not want to be seen as "playing politics," his claim that he "expects" to vote for cloture may be, what's the word, not true.