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February 14, 2013
Report: Hagel Said State Department Was Run By....Wait For It....Israel
The report is based on a contemporaneous blog post from a Hagel supporter who was at a speech Hagel gave in 2007 at an even sponsored by Rutgers University Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the American Iranian Council.
At this point I'm not surprised by Hagel's casual and repeated anti-Semitic world view. I shouldn't be surprised by his pervasive idiocy either yet even this is shockingly stupid.
The general view has always been that if State leaned either-way in the Mideast it was because of the "Arabists" within the department. Now you can dismiss that as scaremongering as well but at least that was the general theory people threw around. I don't remember even the most hardcore nutjobs ever postulating that the Jews were running State. Given the hostility towards a lot of what Israel does in terms of settlements and our refusal to even put our embassy in their declared capital, saying the Jews run State is like saying the Quakers are secretly running the CIA's drone program.
Hagel's nomination is set for a vote tomorrow but it might be postponed. Unfortunately, he still may ultimately have the votes in the end. It's a fluid situation. Any delay will help because there's obviously more out there on this idiot.

posted by DrewM. at
12:39 PM
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