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Good Piece on SPLC's Pet Assassin »
February 06, 2013
Remember Jose Padilla?
In reference to media silence on Americans being dispatched according to the President's pleasure.
Hey, Washington Post. Remember Jose Padilla?
The presumption must be that U.S. citizens can rely on the federal courts to oversee their prosecutions. And Mr. Padilla's abhorrent disappearance into limbo should come to be remembered as an aberration never to be repeated.
Hey, ACLU. Remember Jose Padilla?
In an era of popular movements in Egypt, Syria, Burma, and elsewhere, the United States cannot afford to lose further its credibility on human rights.
Hey New York Times. Remember Jose Padilla?
While the ruling was in the particular case of Mr. Padilla, the decision's larger message -- that there are constitutional limits on the president's power to deny basic civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism -- is one that protects the liberty of all Americans.
All of you. Your convictions and principles aren't as weighty as the pixels they're fancifully painted with.

posted by Laura. at
07:55 PM
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