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February 05, 2013
Guess That Celebrity Seducer!
Bad boys.
I met a celebrity through my volunteer work, and we have flirted ever since we met. I’m young, unattached, and enjoy the occasional one night stand. This man has made it clear he wants to wine and dine me and then take me back to his place, and I’d take him up on the offer—I’m wildly attracted to his intensity and his passion for this cause—except for his tumultuous past. You can’t believe everything you read, but he has a pretty dodgy reputation, and his outbursts have sent him to jail before.... it’s also difficult to ignore how poorly he’s treated women in the past.
But I can manage to ignore it for a night, apparently.
I like how she claims she doesn't want his "money or celebrity" but apparently she's wildly attracted to him anyway.
Guess it's all that "intensity and passion." It's not like 3 out of 4 psychopaths in your local prison would have that same level of "intensity and passion."
But there's something special about this guy -- not his money or celebrity, mind you.
I notice she doesn't say he's handsome, which is sort of a nod in the direction of JamieWF's guess.
I have my own guess: That's right, America's hardest-working actor, Brian Dennehy.
But seriously, I love that she's writing a public letter to an advice columnist and asking "Hey should I bang this sketchy semi-psychotic with a history of mistreatment of women?"
I also love that the columnist says, "Absolutely!" Well, she says something like "If you'd look back on the experience fondly, then do it; if not, then don't."
Doesn't really seem to be any judgment here -- not even about the part about "how poorly he's treated women in the past." Not even a question about that.
Meanwhile? That Audi commercial?
Why that's just terrible.
Current Frankfurt-School Feminism
Logic and consistency are patriarchal constructs.