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February 05, 2013
BREAKING: Obama Calls For A Delay In His Sequestration Plan
Of course. The budget must never be cut. It's a physical impossibility.
Odds of GOP objecting to this in any meaningful way? 0%
Remember this terrible, no good idea was Obama's from the start. The GOP agreed to it too. But they will all pretend it was imposed on them by some mysterious outside force and now they will be very serious about finding spending cuts to off set the debt ceiling hike from 2011. Perhaps they could form a joint House-Senate group to find the cuts. They could call it a "Super Committee". Nah, that's crazy, it would never work.
Update: Obama has a 1:15 event to talk about sequester and avoiding it in...say it with me...."a balanced way".
Update 2: Is this the beginning of a GOP victory and Phillip Klein's "Maneuver X"?
Color me skeptical. Obama and the Democrats don't want to cut domestic spending, period. And they want to raise taxes. Why exactly would Obama trade defense cuts (which are the only cuts Obama wants) for actual entitlement reform which is poison to the Democrats?
Maybe I'm just too down on the GOP but my guess is Obama simply wants to keep domestic spending growing and if that means giving the GOP an out on defense cuts, he's ok with that.

posted by DrewM. at
10:47 AM
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