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February 01, 2013
Katie Couric: Larry King Tried to Heckle Me
Or, "lunged at me," as she says.
After dinner, King drove them back to his apartment where he tried to put the moves on her. “So we sat there and what can I say, he lunged,” Couric said (to the delight/horror of everyone watching probably.)
Couric explained the bizarre meet-up: “I was a whore."
Wait, I'm sorry, there was a glitch in the copy-edit function on that last sentence; she didn't say that. She said something like "I wanted to meet new people" or something. Like men 23 years her senior who just happened to have some power in her industry.
I wish I could change that bad copy-paste error but damnit, I just don't have the time.
After having a “nice enough time,” they left the restaurant together. Noticing that King wasn’t driving towards her home, she recalled saying, “‘Larry, where are we going?’ And he said, ‘My place.’”
“I was like, 'Oh mother of god.' I was like 'Dear, Cosmo what do I do?' I was only 30, I could not figure out how to extricate myself from it.”
"So I wound up mounting him, and as I was doing so, he barked out, 'Go vagina, you're live,' like my ladynethers were some housewife from Duluth or something," she said.
Again, sorry, she doesn't say that, she says she "quickly rebuffed" his advance. Again, copy-paste error.
via @uproxx at Uproxx.com.
In related news, Larry King and Katie Couric are now "Twinsies!," I think it's called.