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January 27, 2013
Obama: Why Don't Republicans Believe in Compromise Like I Don't?
Liberals are very good at casting their claims, dishonestly, as politically-neutral ones.
When people complain, for example, about the left's penchant for anti-semitic, anti-American, and pro-communist rhetoric, lefties will not defend the substance of such remarks, but make a case for absolute freedom to speak one's mind.
That's what they say. But then a dodgy filmmaker gets arrested for the crime of speaking his own mind and lefties cheer his incarceration.
Their claim was that their defense of (say) communist rhetoric was simply a neutral process defense -- they are championing a content-neutral process good (that of free expression untrammeled by blowback and boycott) which has nothing to do with their politics.
But that's a lie-- such defenses are only lodged in favor of speech they favor as a political matter.
And now, Barack Obama, as dishonest as leftist as has ever inhabited the White House, argues that all he wants is the neutral value of "compromise," and the neutral value of legislators freed of any obligation to support the values and preferences of their constituents.
Obama argues that Republicans ought to give in on their own political priorities for the sake of a vague "good of the nation." But this "good of the nation" turns out to be, fortuitously enough, closely aligned with his own leftist agenda.
No reporter ever asks him why, if it is a virtue for Republicans to forsake what they believe in, it would not also be a virtue for Barack Obama to forsake what he and his liberal allies believe in. You know, for the "good of the nation" and all.
His argument is insipid-- obviously, he doesn't do that because of an unstated assumption ("Because I'm right and they're wrong, so naturally my own advice doesn't apply to myself or my leftist Gramsciite radicals").
The moment this assumption is revealed, it puts lie to the idiotic claim he's arguing for a politically neutral value.
His argument doesn't survive first contact with the enemy -- but, fortunately for him, he has absolutely no enemies -- or even skeptics -- asking him questions.
The liberal press shares his assumptions so deeply they don't even realize they are assumptions in the first place. You cannot ever question that which you assume, without thinking, to be beyond question.