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February 16, 2013
Public Populist...Private Tyrant [CharlieBrown'sDildo]
Barack Hussein Obama has mastered very few things in his life. His vaunted oratorical prowess is a sham; just listen to him speak extemporaneously and you will cringe. His grasp of geopolitics is laughable, as is his knowledge of economics and finance.
But he has mastered one thing all too well:
He manipulates the Republican party extremely effectively. His public persona for the LIV is one of a statesman who is exasperated by the intransigence of the Republicans, but his private, and real persona is that of a tyrant who demands obedience and subservience. His handlers and flacks in the media have worked hard to smooth that instant transition from private dictator to public statesman, and Obama has taken full advantage.
I am saying nothing that isn't glaringly obvious to all thinking beings, but apparently that category does not include the Republican leadership, who expect Obama to behave the way their country club buddies act when there is an argument over where to drop after an unhittable lie. When he doesn't, which is always, they are left flabbergasted. He is particularly good at the outrageous, brazen falsehood that he dares the polite Republican leadership to challenge...and they never do! And when someone has the temerity to criticize Obama, he is chastised by his betters in the Republican hierarchy.
What fools.
Playing nice got us nothing except another term for Obama. Railing against the MBM as a bunch of partisan hacks got us exactly nothing in four years. We either take off the gloves and embrace Alinsky, -- because after all, WE are the radicals now -- or resign ourselves to our and our children's fate; living in the socialist/statist utopia that Obama has dreamed of for his entire life.
We have been counting on the innate intelligence of the American voter, who tossed Carter out on his ear, laughed at Dukakis, and even rejected the inventor of the internet. But the voters are more ignorant than ever, and they are being manipulated more effectively than ever. We can no longer rely on American exceptionalism to carry the day -- we must fight with the most effective tools at hand, and that means a much more underhanded and manipulative approach to political discourse. The Left already has its instruction manuals; there is no reason why the Republican party can't embrace the tactics of success , tailored for the fact-based world, and perhaps claw back some of the control that we have ceded to them.
I don't know about you folks, but I am tired of losing to these ignorant, race-baiting, anti-Semitic, anti-freedom bastards. If we have to take off the gloves, hit below the belt, play dirty pool, or whatever metaphor you prefer for playing dirty...and winning....then I am all for it.
America is was the greatest country in history, and I would prefer to see it return to its former glory before I die.
Update: My use of "socialist utopia" was meant seriously, and not as sarcasm. The 19th century philosophers who built the intellectual (hah!) bulwark for Marx were often referred to as "Utopian Socialists."

posted by Open Blogger at
10:53 AM
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