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January 17, 2013
No One Needs An Evil Black Rifle
That's what the left keeps telling us. Please allow me to retort:
Under segregation, blacks were "The Other". Every black man was a rapist, thief or murderer who just hadn't been caught yet.
There really aren't words to describe how wrong this was, yet the left has no problem at all doing the same thing to legal gun owners. We are now "The Other" who are bent on killing your kids at school by our mere existence. We buy off congressmen to do our evil bidding. We're like the Nazis and the KKK all rolled into one.
Our basic civil rights pre-date the constitution and are not dependent on what anyone, majority or vocal minority, deems a necessity.
By this standard, no one needs to be, say, a Wiccan when we have all these other religions to choose from, so the religion should be banned.
No one needs to burn a flag or display an image of crucifix in a jar of urine, so these should be banned.
You can still eat lunch at a segregated lunch counter. You can still drink water from a segregated water fountain. You can still learn at a segregated school. No problem with these - unban them.
And on, and on, and on.
So, no, I don't "need" my AR-15 or my 30-round mags. But that is irrelevant to whether the government can tell me I can't have them.
Related: A good read from Charles C. W. Cooke, who's fast becoming my favorite writer at NRO.