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January 14, 2013
Much Like David Gregory, Jimmy Saville Was Given Free Pass by Law Enforcement and Media Colleagues, Due to Status as TV Personality
A report states that Saville victimized at least 214 children, and either raped or stat-raped 34 (26 girls, 8 boys).
A sign of how extensive his criminal career as a pedophile is the fact that it helps to plot his crimes on a map, and that it's easier to talk about his victims in percentage-statistics in aggregate.
. It gave a breakdown showing that the preponderance of the victims, 73 percent, were younger than 18, with the largest group 13 to 16 years old. Over all, the report said, 82 percent of the victims were female.
Though it also details specific crimes, of course:
“1960. A 10-year-old boy saw Savile outside a hotel and asked for his autograph. They went into the hotel reception where he was seriously sexually assaulted.” “1965. A 14-year-old girl met Savile in a nightclub. She later visited his home and was raped.” “1974. Savile took a 14-year-old schoolgirl for a drive in his car and seriously sexually assaulted her.”
The report, of course, shields law enforcement and prosecutors from blame, casting it about everyone else, including frequent-scapegoat "society:"
But the report suggested that prosecutors were not alone in their inaction. “Why did it happen and why was it not noticed and stopped by police, health, education or social services professionals, people at the BBC or other media, parents or carers, politicians, or even ‘society in general?’ ” the report asked, before offering its own answer.
“For a variety of reasons, the vast majority of his victims did not feel they could speak out, and it’s apparent that some of the small number who did had their accounts dismissed by those in authority, including parents and carers,” it said.
The vast majority of his victims did not speak up. But a minority did, and were ignored.
For its part, the BBC has announced both an apology and its own blue-ribbon whitewash:
In a statement, the BBC said: "The police report into Jimmy Savile contains shocking revelations.
"As we have made clear, the BBC is appalled that some of the offences were committed on its premises.
"We would like to restate our sincere apology to the victims of these crimes. The BBC will continue to work with the police to help them investigate these matters.
"We have also set up the Dame Janet Smith Review to help us understand how these crimes could have been committed and how we can avoid them happening ever again."
The Dame Janet Smith Review is supposed to examine the "practices and culture" at the BBC during its star's rape-spree; forgive me for imagining it will come out as CBS' bought-and-paid-for "report" did in the RatherGate affair. Corporations do not fund reports to find out their crimes; they fund reports to cover up their crimes. They pay for a tony-looking PR document that could be mistaken for an objective report.
It's bad that the New Government/Media Aristocracy" has so much power. It's worse that they're permitted to investigate themselves.
And when I say, passive voice, "they're permitted to investigate themselves," I mean it's we, not in the Aristocracy, who permit this.
It's about time we stopped permitting ourselves to be plebianized and started demanding real investigations of all these people. And not "investigations" conducted by members of The Cartel and their former fornication partners.