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January 13, 2013
The Walking Dead (Game) Discussion-Gaming Thread! (Open too)Afternoon Morons and Ette's I gave ya'll yet another week to get through the game, so I hope spoilers aren't horrible. If you haven't played the game yet, but still plan to...Good luck with this thread. I'll do all my Walking Dead stuff right away below the fold, then I'll put in some line breaks and let you know when it's safe to keep reading. I will not put up spoiler images, those will be in links. I do know there are people playing that don't want to be spoiled (I gifted the game to two people for Christmas, and they are still playing), just be real careful. The one link to fan art ruined peoples day on Reddit, even though it was spoiler tagged, so be warned. If you like the show and are current, Below the fold is going to be a fan made trailer that I found on TheWalkingDead Subreddit I was amazed by it and can't wait for the Season to kick off again in less than a month. So don't watch that unless you are current as it is Chock full 'o Spoilers. As for World War Z, I finished it about a month ago. I personally enjoyed the book alot. It really makes the Movie Trailer look terrible. World War Z is based on slow zombies, and Brooks even explains why he thinks they'd be slow. I don't know wtf they are thinking with the movie, but I really do recommend the book if you like Zombie Apocalypse stuff at all. I liked the way it was formatted, written, and paced. I can't imagine how they are gonna port it well. All the Undead Fun (Plus More!) below the fold. Lotsa :words: warning. The promised Walking Dead fan Trailer Unfortunately it's not available in HD. This season has just been so epic. Loved all of it. I was trying like everyone else to cut back costs so I looked at cable. This show is literally the only reason I decided to keep it. Amazon has an interesting option for it, so I might re-evaluate. But yea. The one Reason Comcast still gets my Cable monies is AMC's The Walking Dead. I also like how Talking Dead is getting expanded to an hour long format. They won't have to talk so fast and can really discuss things. I welcome that because holy fuck did they speed demon talking on that show. Now for The Walking Dead Discussion. First a link to Giant Bomb's discussion of the final Episode with a Dev interview. There's links to past ones there as well. Feel free to read them all, they are good. Also Videos in there of the different Endings. So The Walking Dead is a strait up Adventure Game with some Choose your own adventure elements to it. Initially I was skeptical, so I picked it up on sale. Turned out I really enjoyed the hell out of the game. So I generally tried to play the leader, but in a very conciliatory way. Trying to smooth over some differences Especially after having Kenny's back in the Drug Store turned out to be a real pain in the dick (I thought at the time) to mend some of those bridges. I wasn't the only one who played this way, and it worked fine until Episode 3 where some fucked up shit goes down. Jump to Min 11 for the gameplay. So in that save they were playing Vinny had Doug. He's probably the only dude that saved Doug. If you remember back to episode 1 thats your first real impact full decision that affects who lives or who dies. (The Saving Duck one doesn't matter). So yea choose to save the chick that is good with a gun, or Doug. A guy that was borderline retarded. Everyone saved the chick that was good with the gun So yea. If you didn't save Doug, Lily goes strait insane in Episode 3 and Merks After that happened, I definitely tried to be more assertive. So yea. I was listening to one of the GB GOTY discussions about it, and one of them called me strait insane for taking Clem with me on the raid to Crawford. After the first Ben Incident as I called it, I wasn't letting that little girl out of my Sight again. It also impacted the fact that I really wanted to ice Ben bad. So the first chance I had an opportunity...yea.... I had one rule. If you came at me or got between Clem and Me, you were gonna die. I killed the Cannibal instantly and explained the decision to Clem. I also always sided with Kenny. Especially after all the stuff went down with Duck. I did try and save Lily's Old Man. That was surprising. Salt Lick outta no where! Now this was also a fairly "controversial" bit of game play there with Duck. If you choose to "do it yourself", you have to point a gun at kid and pull the trigger. There's no cut scene, no quick time event. You literally have to aim at his head and click to shoot him. I didn't think too much about it at the time, because it's Zombie Apocalypse and there are rules about this, but looking back, that is fairly edgy. I'm not going to go too much further on this stuff, but it's sad, especially concerning recent events. I guess I do what we all do, compartmentalize what I do in games to games. I might Scam and Steal in Eve, but In real life, I'm alot of things, but I am absolutely not a thief. Mountain out of Molehill indeed. So yea. I really started caring about these characters. Kenny and Clem. At one point I was I thought I was going to have to kill Kenny. I started yelling at the game and not looking forward to the next dialogue option. Seriously, don't make me kill Kenny. Please? I was literally bargaining with a game. So lets get to the last few decisions. I told the group I got bit. So I didn't have to cut my own arm off. If you don't tell them, you end up on a completely different path. Amazing they let you have that different of an experience in the final episode. So yea. Concerning the Stranger. I had Clem get the knife and attack him. I then strangled him to death. I have not replayed this, so I don't know if you can let him live. I was seriously going to kill him regardless. He broke the #1 Rule I had. I might go back and see if you can just knock him out and leave. I was seeing red at this point, so motherfucker was gonna die. I mashed the fuck out of the Q butan. It was satisfying. I don't think I enjoyed killing someone in a game as much ever. So for the actual Final decision. Massive spoiler alert for that fan art. So if you are reading this, Lee has been bitten. He's in a bad way. The End is near. So do you have Clem do the deed, or just walk away. I had her shoot me. It was heartbreaking (Both options are shown in a video on the GB Faces of Death link posted above). I didn't cry, but I was a sad mofo. I watched the video again the other day. Still just heart broken. I chatted with my buddy/Alliance bro Xander Phoena of Crossing Zebras Podcast (the best Eve podcast imo). He called me crazy for this choice. The poor girl had lost everyone she loved. And now you are going to have her shoot you? Cmon! I viewed it as my last act of love (and in the end, I really cared about Clem in a way that I can't say I have about many characters in a Video Game). There are rules to this World. Much like the speech that Rick gives to Carl twords the end of Season 2. The time for Childish things is behind you. And Boom! Head to the End of Game cutscene. I am hopeful that TellTale builds on how good this game was in the future. I loved LOVED the fact that it was episodic. I don't know how you could just play through all 5 episodes quickly, as I needed time to decompress. I even delayed playing Episode 5 for a while because I was not ready for all the shit I knew that was coming. So anyways. Thanks for putting up with all my :Words: about this. I'm curious how ya'll played and what you thought of the game. Ok Non-TWD stuff now. A Kerbal Space Program Dude came on Public Goon Mumble for a Q&A I haven't listened to this yet, but I'm interested. I like that they are trying really hard to be on Steam. I know there's some Steam haters here, but whatevs. So the first rule of sending mail to me Aoshqgaming at gmail dot com is use an email addy that you check on the regular. Because I will get back at you with things If I want your take/Input on something. But yea, Send me shit you want to see posted or looked at. Worst case I'll forward you things to write up. Eve news wise Dust 514 has finally made it to Tranquility (The Eve Live Server). I'm sure The Dude will cover this more, but if you have a PS3, download DUST 514 and join the in game Moron Chanel AoSHQ I suppose the other big Eve news is the Fall of AAA. All of the English speaking Corps have bailed and they are down to thier Russian core. Don't know how this ends for those guys. Some great articles on all the major Eve sites for your perusal. For me and the Coalition I'm in, I'm actually excited about the break up. One of the major AAA English Speaking Corporations went to NPC nullsec in Venal, up near where we live, to join Black Legion. So new people to kill. Including Makalu Recruitment is also open for Paxton, so if you wanted to get in bug someone in Moron channel for an invite and talk to a recruiter. We are ok with newbies, and now that we aren't in a massive war we can run classes. All the changes to the t1 Cruisers have made Eve very accessible to newbies now, so if you have thought about playing, give it a shot. GumbyB come back! I think I brought up Saints Row:The Third last time we did a thread, but I'd like to do some co-op. If you have SR:3 hit me up on Steam through the Moron Group and we can get something going. That's all I got this week. Twitter Spew Brought to you by Rikku
First to get it out of the way, I have to give aways to give through SteamGifts that is open to members of the AoSHQ steam group: Titan Quest with the expansion pack, Immortal Throne Warhammer 40k's Dawn of War 2 and expansion pack, Chaos Rising Well, the Wii U could be doing better to say the least as Nintendo has a slow start on it's hands only selling a small amount at about 2.2 million units. Throw in that the next few months looks to be sparse on the releases and yeah... But as with any console release, the telling moment will be this year's Holiday shipping, especially with the new Xbox releasing in that time frame Some CES news and rumblings: Can't honestly tell if I like it or not but Microsoft and Samsung unveiled their sorta Surround Vision tech, IllumiRoom. I know they've been working on this for awhile now and its nice to see the start of it. People getting drunk at the parties have leaked the rough specs of the upcoming new Xbox which equals a lot of 8s. 8 core Jaguar CPU, 88XX GPU (more than likely custom version of 8850), 8 gigs of memory, runs on the Windows 8 kernel and with a 640 gig hard drive. Leads credence to the earlier talk of Microsoft naming it the Infinity (infinity logo is a sideways 8) Valve comes out with more talks of their eventual suicide as they search for a market to sell a Steam branded HTPC with their Steambox stuff. Open platform with tons of different specs and prices. The big one to capture the public's attention has been Xi3's Piston (which everyone is expecting to carry a price tag of about a grand) Everyone is going cookoo for the Oculus Rift and I honestly can't wait for the consumer edition if it does in fact to live up to the hype and comes with the components that they say will be in it, namely low latency 1080p screens with a low $300 price point. Sounds like it would be a nice replacement to my TrackIR system. (Zakn here, Here's a link to some technerds fucking around with it here) | Recent Comments
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