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January 09, 2013
How To Talk About Gawker Without Linking Gawker
Gawker, a meritless hit-whoring hype site written by, and written for, the dim and the malignant, decided they weren't getting enough attention and published another list of legal gun owners, these located in Manhattan. (The last attention-shriek by the small no-account newspaper published names and addresses of those in Westchester County.)
Ann Althouse links the story without linking Gawker, instead linking the Daily Mail talking about Gawker's latest calculated attention-seeking outrage.
Which is, as Instapundit says, the right way to do it.
The list of people who are quite certain they are worthy of your attention grows daily.
For God's sake, Gawker isn't even original about it. They just do the same damn thing someone did last week, and try to dress it up as novel.
I have an idea: Sites that do this, that do nothing but Search Engine Optimization sort of crap, should just implement a fully automated system, no human thinking involved. Why be dishonest about things? Just straight up take human thought officially out of the process. At least then we'll have a computer to blame, and we'll be spared of having to feel embarrassed for a human.