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January 07, 2013
Naomi Wolf, Authorette of My Vagina: A Novel of Obsession, Calls "Zero Dark Thirty" Director a Nazi Shill
I was thinking recently about the pressure felt by single-issue advocacy groups to make all sorts of splashily provocative claims, or indulge in childish attention-getting, in order both to elevate their profile and to keep donations from the most strident believers in the cause -- a.k.a. those who donate -- flowing. Some groups, like PeTA, seem to find this pressure irresistible. Others seize on any junk science or dumb study to get their agenda out to the public.
I don't have any thoughts about it: I was just thinking about it.
But it does strike me as sad when people, like Queen Mother Vaigszh over here, must do this sort of thing as individuals. At least if you're working for someone you're getting a check, you have a degree of separation between yourself and what you do, as anyone doing a job does.
But poor Naomi Wolf has to push her brand, whatever that might be worth at this aged stage of the game, by herself and for herself, supposedly writing her own words and expressing her own real beliefs, by popping off with cheap, asinine provocations like this:
In a time of darkness in America, you are being feted by Hollywood, and hailed by major media. But to me, the path your career has now taken reminds of no one so much as that other female film pioneer who became, eventually, an apologist for evil: Leni Riefenstahl. Riefenstahl's 1935 Triumph of the Will, which glorified Nazi military power, was a massive hit in Germany. Riefenstahl was the first female film director to be hailed worldwide....Like Riefenstahl, you are a great artist. But now you will be remembered forever as torture's handmaiden.