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Wild Card Game 2 »
January 05, 2013
At what point do you say enough is enough? [PA]
I submit to you for weighing and measuring, the esteemed Stephen Espalin, who has threatened to assassinate poor Bo, the first dog, as well as other less admirable occupants of the Whitehouse. Poor Bo lives under the threat of winding up in a pot every day.
Espalin had racked up 59 arrests under 24 names and 12 Social Security numbers, including two convictions for sexual offenses and numerous theft and fraud convictions, by the time of his 2002 sentencing [for threatening to assassinate GWB], federal prosecutors in Tennessee said.
An appellate ruling from 2003 said psychological tests on Espalin showed he had a pretty normal mental capacity and Espalin told a psychologist he was "80 per cent" regretful that he did not recant his threat against Bush.
"He stated that a part of him wants to continue making the threats because he enjoys the attention that he is getting," an appeals judge wrote.
I think we've seen quite enough of Mr. Espalin outside prison walls for say...oh the rest of his natural life?

posted by Open Blogger at
07:08 PM
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