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January 04, 2013
Analysis: Anyone Who Acknowledges We Have a Major Debt Crisis Is a "Lunatic"
"Lunatic Republicans" who believe crazy things like "you cannot spend a trillion more than you have every year and expect the math to work out in your favor."
Evans read a statement from an “overseas analyst” who said that the “economy was recovering” and that he expected bond yields to increase in coming months.
The analyst said that the only obstacle he sees to the continued expansion of the U.S. economy were “lunatic Republicans” who may bring about an “insane technical default” when they attempt to negotiate spending cuts as part of a deal to increase the debt ceiling limit.
“What about the lunatics that spent $16.4 trillion and want another check? Aren’t they the crazies, Kelly,” Santelli asked pointedly. “Why are the lunatics the people that say ‘overspending and creating too much debt’ are lunatics?’”
“Childish,” Santelli replied. “We need to get serious about this debt and quit calling people ‘lunatics’ that acknowledge it.”
If you have no actual logical response to someone's concerns, but are determined to avoid talking about those concerns, well, with logic not a path open to you, all you have on your side is emotionalism and deligitmization.
But don't worry, Top men are working on it.
Top. Men.