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January 01, 2013
Bowls Bowls Bowls
Full up today! Happy New Year morons! I did not overindulge in the lite cranberry juice and Diet Mt. Dew, so no headache today. Good call by Dave.
Gator Bowl. Mississippi State and Northwestern (20). Noon EST.
Heart of Dallas Bowl (WTF?). Purdue, Oklahoma State. also Noon EST.
Outback Bowl. South Carolina (10) and Michigan (18). 1pm EST.
Capital One Bowl (need to make a payment today). Georgia (7) and Nebraska (16). 1pm EST.
Rose Bowl. Wisconsin and Stanford (6). 5pm EST.
Orange Bowl. N. Illinois (15, really?) and Fla State (12). 8:30pm EST.
Bonus cheerleader for Andy, my brother from another mother.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:05 PM
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