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Laugh: Washington Post Issues CYA Editorial Calling on Obama To Stop Campaigning And Start Finding Solutions �
November 28, 2012
Jon Huntsman to Join "No Labels" Gang of Two
So it'll be him and Michael Bloomberg. I'm sure there are a couple more but they escape me at the moment.
�Too many people in Washington believe that leading consists of imposing their will on the opposition. It is true of both parties,� Huntsman, a Republican, said during a conference call organized by the group No Labels. �This all or nothing leadership is an attitude that may work on military battlefields or in competitive business markets � but it�s a recipe for dysfunction in democratic politics.�
Quick, can anyone name a Democrat who's joined No Labels?
I was listening to the news yesterday and I heard Harry Reid urging people to shed their ideological and partisan straightjackets and seek a statesmanlike compromise all for the good of the nation. Yes, Harry Reid, the one who said he would never, ever compromise with a President Romney on anything; Harry Reid, who is a leader of the No Reform caucus in the Democratic Party.
Incidentally, his call for "compromise" involved simply passing the Democrats' preferred solution on debt and spending -- tax hikes for the rich, no spending cuts.
The press just reports this without comment. Harry Reid? The most partisan hack in the Senate? That's the guy calling for compromise and putting party aside?
Isn't it terribly strange that Harry Reid is considered by the press to be non-partisan while any Republican pushing a conservative policy preference is an ultra-ideologue?
Meanwhile, Salon Magazine (WHO?) urges no compromise and suggests instead taking us over the "mythical" fiscal cliff.