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For All You Bellichick/"Cheatriots" Haters.... »
November 20, 2012
Youngish Woman With Tuesday-Night-at-the-Firehouse Bingo Arms Flips Middle Finger To Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
She's just exercising her right to be a douchebag, as she herself says.
She is, however, not exercising her triceps. If armfat were feathers she could fly like a falcon. A peregrine, I should think.
Hey, I'm just exercising my right to protest the thoughtless and crude. I gotta be me, as the douchebag credo goes. So, two things, Sister: 1, clean up your act. 2, a push-up wouldn't kill ya.
Speaking of our devolving culture of stupid and the complete collapse of society to come, this article from Buzzfeed very efficiently sums up everything that's wrong with the Internet and our culture more generally.
Snark and Small Shiny Objects, Flash and Search Engine Optimization, Celebrities and Sideboob, Breathless Hype and tasteless resort to hucksterism. Oh, and also, some rockets were launched from Gaza into Israeli cities.
We've built the world as we wish it were and it's stupid all the way down.
As a side-note, Anderson Cooper didn't "own" anyone. He's simply being credited as doing so because he is a Celebrity and a Friend of Kathy's and they needed the grabby headline. As Truman Capote might say, this isn't pwning, this is just typing.
The downside of the Internet is like the downside of weed: It makes it far too easy to waste time and far too acceptable to settle for less than nothing at all.
Remember when we thought the internet would change the world? We were stupid once, and apparently eager to be so again.
Via @benk84.