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November 16, 2012
Did Eric Holder or Robert Mueller Scrub "Al Qaeda" Out of the Talking Points?
There's a backstory on this theory. The FBI has scrubbed virtually all references to Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim terrorism, etc., from their training manuals. Instead, they refer vaguely to "violent extremism."
This was not any accident. It's institutionalized policy. As the FBI once pretended the Mafia didn't exist, it is now the policy of the FBI that references to Al Qaeda or Muslim terrorism should be rare. For example, the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Analytical Lexicon -- a standardization of definitions of important words used in counter-terrorism -- does not define "Muslim terrorism" or "Islamic extremism" or "Jihad." Apparently these words are not part of the analytical lexicon -- although less terms which do not implicate Islamism, such as "terrorism" or "violent extremism," are part of the lexicon.
So did the Administration just scrub all references to Al Qaeda as part of its Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella strategy?
I doubt it. I think this goes beyond simple fidelity to PC bureaucratese. I think they scrubbed Al Qaeda, and pushed the false "spontaneous protest" narrative, as a matter of pure political deception. However, it could be that they relied upon their policy of never saying "Islamic terrorists" as a pretext for the scrub.