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November 12, 2012
How Would You Fix the Republican Party?
It seems like everyone and their mother have found the cure for what ails the Republican Party. From amnesty to abandoning our largest and most dependable constituency in the hopes of attracting one of the least dependable.
Sure we lost the election by 400,000 votes spread over four states, but why let reason get in the way of making panicked decisions? So with that, I ask you to put forth your ideas to fix the Republican party. Remember, like professional writers putting forth ideas in the past week, these aren't meant to be serious or well thought out.
I'll start with a few:
We should legalize the felon vote and then try felon outreach.
Ways we can decrease our losses with female voters:
- Place voting machines on the top shelf in the kitchen.
- Place the voting machine on the inside of a tightly sealed mason jar.
- Voting machines should roughly have the complexity of a home theater remote. (Andy)
- Enforced parallel parking at the polling place. (Damned Dirty Rino)
Have at it in the comments, and don't forget the John E. interview on the Laura Ingraham Show at 1:30 Eastern.