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Picking up the pieces... [tmi3rd] »
November 07, 2012
For Sequestration
Sequestration is a terrible, horrible, no good idea.
And we must let it happen.
You know what you call $1.2 trillion in budget cuts? A good start.
After last night it's clear that as presently constituted there is no electoral path to reducing the size and scope of government. Since we can not do that in an orderly and rationale way, we must use the tool we have at hand.
The lame duck will feature a lot of talk about "grand bargains". No Just no. While the GOP and conservatives were crushed last night, the GOP still retains control of the House so "the people" voted for more gridlock. Then gridlock they shall have. And that means enforcing the current law of the land....sequestration.
I'd much rather a messy, disorganized and painful set of cuts than an clean, orderly and disastrous set of tax and spending increases.
As someone once said, "never let a crisis go to waste bitches". At least I think that's what they said.
Oh and the debt ceiling needs to be raised again.
As a commenter pointed out: Let ALL the Bush tax cuts expire. All the people who were taken off the roles 10 years ago? Back on baby!

posted by DrewM. at
01:25 PM
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