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Alternative View: Let It Burn »
November 07, 2012
Top Headline Comments 11-7-12
Walp... back to work.
We struggled through four years under that idiot, we'll just have to struggle through four more. And, happily, he won't have a Democratic Congress with which to ram his second-term agenda through, at least during the next two years. Now it's our job to make sure our congresscritters don't lose their spine. Major items on the agenda: (1) sequestration and budget; (2) the debt limit; (3) taxes. Other issues that would require control of the Senate, like nixing Supreme Court nominees and chipping away at Obamacare, are basically conceded.
Colorado and Washington, meanwhile, voted to approve state initiatives legalizing marijuana. So, if you live in those states, raise a bowl for us.
Alabama, Wyoming, and maybe Montana approved measures to amend their state constitutions to prohibit people from being compelled to participate in Obamacare. Lawsuits will ensue, but here's hoping.
Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved initiatives legalizing gay marriage. Minnesota became the first state to reject a ballot initiative to amend their constitution to ban gay marriage.
I will probably tune out the storm of accusations and recriminations that are coming. Gov. Romney ran a strong campaign. His error, one that all of us in the Republican Party shared, was in not realizing just how far the election in 2008 had shifted voter demographics in presidential elections. We were led astray by the unusual win in 2010. We believed that 2008 had been an aberration, rather than a new normal.
Do not believe any nonsense that this is the end of the GOP. Democrats say that every time. Tea Partiers also say that. The fact is that the popular vote was 48% to 50%. That's amazingly close. It means that almost one out of two people agreed with you and are hurting today because of it. The President lacks a mandate and, as we have seen, lacks the skills to effectively govern this country. Sit tight. As the man said: do it for love of country. And, as the other man said: if you must, do it for revenge.
Edited to Add: Major props to CAC and JohnE for their work on the AOSHQ Decision Desk. It was an amazing resource last night. Maybe one or both of them will write a post about all the work, the behind-the-scenes maneuvering, the volunteers that made it possible. I hope so.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:56 AM
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