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November 06, 2012
Various Election Links/Open Thread
The other thread is getting a bit long. Also, some reading material:
Commentary: editors change poll results
Jim Geraghty has updates for you.
This is a damn outrage.
Yup, Brad Pitt ruined "World War Z"
The Corner is updating.
A great NY Post front page.
Also, again, soon we will see the media going nuts over "exit polling." Ignore them.
[Update - Andy]: Gabe pulled up the election night liveblog thread from 2008 and sent it around to the cobs if you're in the mood for a walk down bad memory lane. On the upside, it looks like everyone was pretty well inebriated before it even started.
Will there be a liveblog tonight? Why, yes. Yes, there will.

posted by Slublog at
01:39 PM
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